Surely the nature of lying will lead you to evil and evil deeds will bring you to hell. In Islam, morality must not be released from Aqeedah and Worship.
If we take the example of fruit, of course there are seeds, and seeds are the core, the core is called aqidah, where all the origin that occurs in the life of a Muslim is due to aqidah (because of faith in God).
Aqeedah will only become nonsense if it is not followed by worship so that if someone acknowledges faith while not worshiping, that person's faith will be defeated by Satan, because the problem is not just acknowledging the existence of God, because Satan also recognizes the existence of God.
Satan admits that he was created by God from fire, that means the devil recognizes that what created him was God. So basically aqidah is processed by worship. If we confess our faith, love God, love the apostle while refusing to worship, that is an empty confession.
The true indication in aqidah is seen from the skin (akhlaqnya). Skin or outer appearance is moral. If the skin (akhlaqnya) is not good then that is a sign of its contents (aqidah) is not good.
A woman came to Rasulullah SAW, then said: she has a friend of a woman whose prayers are great, fasting is strong, but the drawbacks are Rasulullah, if her mouth is open, it will be more violent than a tiger.
When his mouth is open there is always someone hurt, offensive and hurt people's feelings. The conclusion revealed by Rasulullah is the relationship between akhalaq with worship.
That conclusion is "he is in hellfire". This means, if the morality is not right, then there is no meaning for a woman's worship, because true worship will give birth to the right akhaq.
So akhalaq is not a problem, it's a serious problem that concerns worship and aqeedah. Rasulullah SAW has revealed three times in a row the words "Laa yu'min" (unbelievers).
The Companions were astonished and asked the Prophet: "Who is that, Rasulullah?" The Messenger of Allah answered "Anyone whose neighbors do not feel safe from his attitude and behavior". This discussion is not a simple discussion but it involves faith and worship.
When discussing the issue of morality, it must not be separated from its relationship with aqeedah and worship. All the goals of mankind in the world apart from seeking merit from Allah are, of course, to worship and form Akhlaq. An example is Salat. The purpose of prayer is to prevent it from committing heinous and unjust acts.
If people continue to do temporary prayers they are not free from cruel and unjust acts, just like traders who continue to trade but do not get profits according to their goals (not achieving goals). Likewise with fasting, almsgiving, pilgrimage and other worship services. So, all worship activities carried out by humans.
There is one very basic morality in Islam, namely As Siddqi (honest), the law is al kadzibu (lying or lying). The Messenger of Allah said: "Every believer may have a bad attitude, but what should not be al kadzibu (lying) or al treason (betrayal).
A man came to the messenger and said: "O Messenger of God, could a believer be a coward, could a believer be stubborn?" The Prophet replied: "may be". Friends again ask: "Could someone believe in al-Kadzab (lying)?
The Messenger of Allah answered: "Impossible". This means that the most basic moral values that we have that say I believe in Allah are honest.
Then if there are believers but the lies are more than unbelievers, then this is our problem. Sometimes we often lie but do not feel our faith is problematic. So, the nature that must be possessed by a believer after vowing two shahada is honest.
The trait that Allah dislikes is bohon, and the trait loved by Allah is honest. Rasulullah SAW said that narrated by Aisha said that: "The nature of being hated by the Messenger of Allah is a lie".
If there are people who lie once, then it will not disappear in the memory of the Prophet until he repents. Why is that lie so serious? and honest is very important ?. Honest is the door to goodness. Lying is the door to crime. That is, if what we open is the door of honesty, then what will enter is all kindness.
Conversely lying is the door of evil, if it is opened the door to lies then what will enter is all evil. Rasulullah SAW said: "It is obligatory for you to be honest, in fact honesty will bring you to goodness and goodness will bring to heaven".
When someone is always honest and always trying to be honest, it will always make him honest. Abu Bakr is referred to as "As Sidiq" because he is truly an honest person and is always the first to be honest with the truth.
When Rasulullah told about the incident of Isra and Mi'raj, Abu Bakr never thought about the event it might or might not be possible even though logically it might not be, because Rasulullah SAW was an honest man he said: "You are right O Messenger of Allah".
If we try to be honest and true, God will make us righteous people. Being the right person won't be comfortable if you lie. In the continuation of the above hadith "Stay away from the nature of lies (lies). Indeed the nature of lies will lead you to evil, and evil deeds will lead to hell.
There was a person who came to the Messenger of God wanting to embrace Islam but he really liked committing adultery. The problem if taken to a psychiatrist may be many recipes, but the Prophet was very short to give the recipe, which is not allowed to lie (lie).
What does adultery have to do with lying? the sin will enter, but if the lie is closed then all the sins will not enter. This means that from all the crimes that we do it is because we often dare to lie and lie.
The story above illustrates how great the urgency and significance of the nature and honest attitude for each person. An honest, true and open personality will always be a person who is close to kindness, help and security.
On a larger scale, if society is built on honesty, it will feel beautiful and all will trust each other.
Communities that prioritize the values of honesty in their personal lives and interactions with others will become a constructive, mutually supportive and superior society, a civil society.