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The way to continue to be grateful to the Almighty

Allah SWT has created the world and made it a means for believers to take the provision of their lives in the hereafter. The world is also a means for believers to do charity by carrying out obedience to their Lord.

However, for the disobedient people, this world is something that is enjoyed in order to satisfy his heart and vent his lust in negligence to his Lord and forgetfulness of the hereafter.

Allah SWT has filled the world with various needs of His creatures and various forms of enjoyment that they can feel.

The way to continue to be grateful to the Almighty

He created all of it in accordance with the levels they need, even excessive and multiply.

Then, He sends His servants to explain to humans to take from this world merely their needs in following the road to the afterlife, while reminding them not to take from it and put them away from it, and keep it away from being the fruit of their dreams.

So, mankind is divided in that matter into several parts:

First, people who are self-sufficient by taking less than the need. They are driven by caution and caution.

And, if at any time they achieve more than that accidentally or without excessive effort, they immediately release it again and give it to anyone who has the right to receive it or expect it.

They are a group of prophets and messengers of Allah (blessings and greetings on them all), the shiddiqin who inherited them perfectly, the scholars who are knowledgeable, and the servants of God who are pious and good deeds. Included in this group are the experts of zuhud who have fled the world altogether.

However, the group of people mentioned earlier is more perfect and more important than the later zuhud experts. Because, those people (the prophets) did not run away from the world when they also did not want it.

They even brought out what had entered their hands in accordance with what God liked and commanded. This is the position of the first group that is the most perfect and the most perfect.

The second group, those who simply take away their needs from the world, wisely, without looking for excuses or deliberately choosing the lightest methods.

Third group, people who take from this world more than they need. This group is divided into several sections, including those who managed to reach their ideals with a reasonable business. But there are also those who fall into the mix and "grazed" danger.

Some of them take more than they need to enjoy it in a permissible way (mubah) in the Shari'a, while recognizing the virtues of those who commit Adultery and realizing that they are below their high levels and their noble status. Great hope that these people can also get mercy from Allah SWT.

Next to them, those who take more than their needs to have modest fun. There is also a life of excessive luxury, collecting, and piling up the treasure accompanied by neglect and mixing between the halal and the forbidden.

They are tricked by Satan so that they are "brave" towards Allah SWT. Sometimes, people like this, because of ignorance and impudence towards God, even consider the situation to be more important than people who commit adultery.

There are also those who in the opulence of excessive life still preach that it is only sufficient for the needs or even just a very emergency.

There are others who preach that they encompass this world and accumulate abundant wealth solely to give alms, care for the poor, and spend it in khair charities.

In fact, he is far, very far from it, as witnessed by his actions and actions which are contrary to his indictment and confession.

Also, witnessed by Allah, His angels, and His true believers, who saw his evil deeds and bad behavior when he preached noble things to himself and his "dreams." "(or rather his courage) is misleading towards his Lord.

"Those who say: 'Our Lord is Allah', then they remain istiqamah, so there is no concern for them and they do not (also) grieve." (Surat al-Ahqof: 13)

May God grant salvation to us from all deception and lies, and all kinds of tests and humiliating trials. Aamin

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