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Kemungkinan Menggunakan Bahan-Bahan Modern Untuk Memahami Kembali Pesan Islam - Sebagai pangkal tolak pembahasan ini, kita kemukakan firman Ilahi dalam kitab suci, sebagai berikut:  “Kami (Tuhan) akan perlihatkan kepada mereka (umat manusia) tanda-tanda Kami di seluruh ufuk dan dalam diri mereka sendiri, sehingga akan jelas bagi mereka bahwa dia (Kitab suci) ini adalah benar. Belum cukupkah dengan Tuhanmu, bahwa Dia itu menjadi Saksi atas segala sesuatu? Ingat, mereka (orang-orang kafir) itu sesungguhnya meragukan pertemuan mereka dengan Tuhan. Ingat, sesungguhnya Dia (Tuhan) meliputi segala perkara.”  Berbagai kitab tafsir mencoba menjelaskan maksud tersirat dari firman itu . A. Yusuf Ali, salah seorang ahli tafsir Al-Qur’an yang terkemuka di zaman modern ini , dengan dukungan berbagai kitab tafsir klasik seperti al - Kasysyaf , al - Baydlawi , dan Ibn Katsir , membatasi penafsirannya dengan memandang bahwa firman itu menunjuk kepada janji Tuhan akan kemenangan agama Islam dalam sejarah , y...

How to manage time

How important is the time until Allah SWT. personally declare it? Of course! Many people think of time as just passing by. Humans are mostly soft on time. In fact, that time was a great gift. But why then neglected it ?. Is there a time limit? Or is time only a restriction made by humans? Humans make the division of time into 24 hours a day and overnight. How about on the moon? Is it also 24 hours? And what about other planets, is it also 24 hours? Watching the motion of the time is similar to Kahllil Gibran's expression. "You want to measure timeless and immeasurable time. You will adjust your behavior and even direct your soul's journey according to the hours and seasons ... But eternity in you is the awareness of eternal life. Time as something immeasurable can only be interpreted if we can build self-awareness of something eternal. We realize that life does not end with physical death when embraced by the earth. But, it is precisely after the body is e...

The way of the Prophet. preaching

Surely the nature of lying will lead you to evil and evil deeds will bring you to hell. In Islam, morality must not be released from Aqeedah and Worship. If we take the example of fruit, of course there are seeds, and seeds are the core, the core is called aqidah, where all the origin that occurs in the life of a Muslim is due to aqidah (because of faith in God). Aqeedah will only become nonsense if it is not followed by worship so that if someone acknowledges faith while not worshiping, that person's faith will be defeated by Satan, because the problem is not just acknowledging the existence of God, because Satan also recognizes the existence of God. Satan admits that he was created by God from fire, that means the devil recognizes that what created him was God. So basically aqidah is processed by worship. If we confess our faith, love God, love the apostle while refusing to worship, that is an empty confession. The true indication in aqidah is seen from the s...

The way to continue to be grateful to the Almighty

Allah SWT has created the world and made it a means for believers to take the provision of their lives in the hereafter. The world is also a means for believers to do charity by carrying out obedience to their Lord. However, for the disobedient people, this world is something that is enjoyed in order to satisfy his heart and vent his lust in negligence to his Lord and forgetfulness of the hereafter. Allah SWT has filled the world with various needs of His creatures and various forms of enjoyment that they can feel. He created all of it in accordance with the levels they need, even excessive and multiply. Then, He sends His servants to explain to humans to take from this world merely their needs in following the road to the afterlife, while reminding them not to take from it and put them away from it, and keep it away from being the fruit of their dreams. So, mankind is divided in that matter into several parts: First, people who are self-sufficient by takin...

Let bygones be bygones

One day I saw a speck of hope in my life that made my life totally change from the past mistakes of my gloomy life. At that moment I began to think that what I had been doing all along was wrong. It is a big mistake because I always and always follow the invitations and promptings that are in this despicable self, whether it's a whisper or a solicitation that is pure from within me or something made by other creatures. I don't know, but it's clear that every time I do that, my heart always feels guilty. Maybe this is a self-awareness sent by the Supreme Creator myself to think, appreciate, and contemplate every behavior and behavior of my actions that I have lived and I do from time to time. Knowing yourself is necessary, because knowing ourselves will always respect ourselves and other people even more to those who have created everything. By knowing ourselves we will be spared and far from being arrogant. Being arrogant to ourselves will cause God's w...

Tips untuk selalu bahagia setiap harinya - Ada perasaan kesal dan dongkol yang terus menggelayuti hati kita saat kita merasa dibohongi, dirugikan, disakiti atau dilecehkan oleh seseorang. Perasaan itu terus dan terus mengunjungi hati dan juga pikiran kita sehingga kita menjadi merasa terbebani. Bagaimana kalau perasaan seperti itu terus membebani hati dan pikiran kita; tentu saja akan sangat menderita. Dalam ajaran agama-agama manapun perbuatan jahat tidak bisa dibenarkan. Siapa pun melakukan kejahatan kepada orang lain di ancam hukuman atau balas dendam. Barang siapa melakukan pengrusakan pada anggota tubuh seseorang akan dibalas dengan hal yang sama; mata dengan mata; telinga dengan telinga; tangan dengan tangan, dan seterusnya. Dan siapa pun yang membunuh, maka dia juga akan dibunuh pula. Bagaimana mungkin orang yang sudah dibunuh bisa membalas? Tentu saja tidak bisa. Tapi dalam hukum-hukum agama samawy bahwa anggota  keluarga atau para ahli waris berhak menuntut balas. Dan itu hukum yang di...

Kelebihan orang yang berilmu -   Ilmu pengetahuan dalam ajaran Islam penting karena pesan-pesan agama Islam justru berdasarkan pada Ilmu Pengetahuan. Al-Quran secara pribadi mengecam orang-orang yang membangun keyakinan dan keimanannya hanya karena ikut-ikutan; apalagi karena mengikuti ajaran para nenek moyangnya. Firman Allah swt. dalam surah Al-Mujadalah ; 11. berbunyi : " Allah swt. akan mengangkat derajat orang-orang yang beriman dan dikaruniai ilmu pengetahuan dan Allah swt. sesungguhnya Maha Mengetahui apa-apa yang kamu kerjakan." Pesan Al-Quran banyak merangsang agar orang mengamati lingkungan sekitar; bumi, gunung-gunung, tumbuh-tumbuhan, hewan, dan manusia itu sendiri serta masih banyak yang lainnya. Semuannya dinyatakan dan diinformasikan dalam Al-Quran dengan ayat-ayat; yang tentunya tidak akan bisa dibaca kecuali dengan menggunakan ilmu pengetahuan. Tanpa ilmu pengetahuan ayat-ayat Al-Quran tidak bisa kita pelajari. Oleh sebab itu, maka mereka yang tidak mempunyai ilmu ...